Thursday, March 27, 2014

Selling to C-Suite - 3 Ways to Establish the Kind of Crediblity that gets you Asked Back.

Many of us in B2B sales know how important it is to develop and maintain relationships with CEOs, CFOs, CIOs and the new CDOs (Chief Data Officers) but often many sales people obtain initial access but then to their surprise, never receive a return phone call or email again. What's the best way to make the most of the time you have in front of the C-Level exec? Here are 3 pieces of advice for establishing a good relationship and making a good impression: 1. Bring value to the conversation that the C Level exec can't get from his own staff. Most employees get stuck in their own little Idahos and don't have the outside perspective that you bring to the table. Bring and deliver good market and competitive insights to the meeting. 2. Establish credibility by giving examples of your success with players in recognizable spaces. Talk about the value you delivered without revealing every secret and method of what you did to deliver the solution. Curiosity is a good thing and mentioning specific success with similar organizations accomplishes just that. 3. Be future focused in your conversations. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away I like many of my friends at Xerox learned how to sell by probing for people's problems. Although that always worked just fine, a better approach more suitable for today's economy focuses the conversation on painting a wonderful future for the prospective buyer. Delivering hope and possibility is always a good thing. Want to learn more? Have me in to talk to you about the "Selling to the C-Suite" unique sales training program and I'll bring you the free book pictured above. Check out our website at or email me at We also have a great sales tip flipboard at: Successful Selling in Today's Economy via @flipboard Here's to great selling!

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